Thank you for another successful World Rhino Day!
Here’s what people did on World Rhino Day 2014:
Events listed by country:
Taronga Western Plains Zoo will celebrate World Rhino Day 2014 from September 20 through September 22.

Activities will include:
- Keeper talks about rhinos
- Rhino trail walks
- Face Painting
- Casle Jumping
Visitors will also be able to purchase rhino art and proceeds will be donated to the International Rhino Foundation.

Cameroon will be joining other nations across the world to call for the protection of all different rhino species through Dance4Rhinos.
Three dancing groups made up of over 50 persons dressed in t-shirts carrying the pictures of rhino will stage a powerful cultural dance presentation in Buea. These dancers will sing songs with messages calling for the international community to join forces and safe the remaining species of rhino in the world.
The groups, the Bamumbu Cultural Dance Group, Ndungated Cultural Meeting and the Alou Cultural Dance Group are selected from villages adjacent to some key conservation areas, such as the proposed Tofala Hill Wildlife Sanctuary and the Mak-betchou Chimpanzee sanctuary.
#BurnHorns #SaveRhinos #CzechRepublic
Zoo Dvůr Králové in the Czech Republic is planning to burn rhino horn stockpiles! Minister of Environment, Richard Brabec, will set alight approximately 70 kg of rhino horns at the ceremony. The event is slated to begin at 11:00AM.
Zoo Frankfort/a> will give a special lecture in honor of World Rhino Day 2014.
On September 24 from 18:00 Uhr – 20:00 Uhr Dr. Christof Schenck , CEO of the Frankfurt Zoological Society, will share insight into the current situation of wild rhinos and the background of poaching.
World Rhino Day 2014 marks the launch of Team Rhino by the International Rhino Foundation, Save the Rhino and Asian Rhino Project!

Sport the jersey. Cheer on rhinos by facing the crowd and showing your team spirit. Go #TeamRhino!
Africa Geographic and Bushnell Binoculars invite you to take part in the #WorldRhinoDay photographic competition! Raise awareness for the plight of the rhino while at the same time celebrating these magnificent beasts.
Annamiticus will be very busy during World Rhino Day.
The Annamiticus team will continue to update the World Rhino Day Facebook Page, maintain the World Rhino Day Blog, and add to the World Rhino Day Event Roster. As the grand day unfolds the team will be hard at work trying to maximize the World Rhino Day Footprint on social media.
Rhino lovers around the world are going to make it the best World Rhino Day ever!
Come to Indonesia for a nautical celebration of the world’s rarest rhino species!
Enjoy the following activities – and more – from September 24 through September 27:
- Beach football
- Beach volleyball
- Coloring contest
- Dance & Art Competition
- Trip to Handeuleum Island
- Snorkling
- Creating rhino carvings
- Puppet show
Contact @KakaTeteh_PDG for details:
Desa Tamanjaya – Ujungkulon
23 – 26 September 2014
#pandeglang #banten… http://t.co/ypsHwfaRmR
— KakaTetehPandeglang (@KakaTeteh_PDG) September 10, 2014
Dublin Zoo will celebrate World Rhino Day 2014 on Saturday, September 20.

In addition to informative talks throughout the weekend, visitors will enjoy the following activities:
- Presentation documenting Dublin Zoo keepers’ work in Zimbabwe’s Lowveld Rhino Conservancy
- Keeper Lectures
- Personal encounter and opportunity for a photo with the zoo’s walkabout rhino ‘Rodney’
- A chance to hand paint the zoo’s large rhino money box
- Face Painting
- A chance to purchase some rhino manure
Zoo Torino will celebrate World Rhino Day 2014 on September 21.
A great day is planned. Throughout the day the Keepers and the IAEA(Association of Italian Africa Experts) rangers, will give talks dedicated to education about the five rhino species, the serious consequences of superstitions and beliefs, and the dangers presented by poaching.
At 15:00, at the amphitheater at Petra, a charity auction will take place . The auction will be led by Davide Bomben, Chairman of the IAEA. The proceeds from the sale will go to support the projects of the Reserve Mabula which protects , to date, 27 rhinos in the wild.
Afterwards, Gian Luigi Casetta , founder and CEO of the park and Davide Bomben will deliver a check with funds raised during Zoom Night Safari to the Reserve Mabula in Africa.
Parco Natura Viva has a full day of World Rhino Day celebrations on Sunday, September 21!
The day starts in the morning with the educational staff providing lectures about rhinos, the current state of wild rhinos, and the background of poaching.
There will be guided walks through the prized Sentieri d’Africa exhibit led by the educational staff that will allow visitors to discover Rhino and other African animals.
In the afternoon, children can act as “African Ranger” with the education staff to discover the threats of African mammals. There will be face painting and loads of rhino themed activities throughout the entire day.
Parco Natura Viva is home to Southern White Rhinos. The days events will provide fun for the entire family. Here’s to hoping that create some young rangers on Sunday!
鼓動・・“世界サイの日”9.22 2014
クロサイ ブログ ~フウカの種~ #WorldRhinoDay #Japan
http://t.co/cBoIoOes2t pic.twitter.com/vMfAatL4rN
— Rhino pentarou (@pentarou_2010) September 9, 2014
On Sunday, September 21, Ronja Floren will celebrate World Rhino Day with the launch of her first book.
The talented student from Aga Kahn Academy Mombasa, will sign copies of Rhino Ray at 2:00 PM at Sands at Nomad and 4:00 PM at Forty Thieves Beach Bar. Proceeds will benefit the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.
Save the Rhino Trust Namibia will be joining others all around the world to raise awareness and voices against rhino poaching and the illegal trade in rhino horn.
In Swakopmund SRT will be organizing the following events on the 20th September
- Morning: 09h00 – 13h00. Volunteers will be helping us with collecting of donations at selected malls and hand our brochures.
- Evening: 17h00 – 20h00. An information session @ Swakopmund Indoor Sports Centre with key note speakers.
- Silent Auction with exciting prizes taking us into the night closing off with snacks and drinks (cash bar) whilst chatting and sharing information with each other.
Please RSVP with Lorraine @ srt@rhino-trust.org.na /
Auckland Zoo will celebrate World Rhino Day 2014 on Saturday, September 20 & Sunday, September 21.

The celebration will focus on the Asian Rhino species and will share information on how Kiwis can contribute to conservation efforts. Special Keeper led encounters will begin at 10:00am, 12:00pm and 1:45pm. Keepers will hold a competition to ‘guess how much the rhino poo weighs.’ The winner will receive a behind-the-scenes rhino experience!
At the Zoo’s Central Lawn area, near the meerkat exhibit, enjoy rhino-themed story time, (11:00am daily) and get your face painted for a gold coin donation in support of the Auckland Zoo Conservation Fund.
These Rhino themed activities come with the regular admission to Auckland Zoo.
Hamilton Zoo will celebrate World Rhino Day on Saturday, September 20 & Sunday September 21.
There is a Meet the Keeper Talk scheduled for Noon. Additionally Hamilton Zoo will offer its popular Face2Face sessions at 1:00PM on Saturday and Sunday. Face2Face allows visitors to meet the Southern White Rhinoceros up close. There is a $15.00 per person charge and 10% of the encounter fee will help endangered animals in the wild through the Hamilton Zoo Conservation Fund.
Although you may make the reservation the day of your visit, space is limited. It is World Rhino Day and there will be extra interest. Wake the kids, call the neighbors and bring your crew to Hamilton Zoo!
Postpone that mani/pedi, Rhino fans! Singapore Zoo has a special request of its visitors on Monday, September 22.
To commemorate World Rhino Day, visitors are encouraged to donate their nail clippings to a “Jar of Nails” as a gesture of support for conservation efforts. The campaign has been dubbed the”The Hornest Truth“.
The jar will be available to the public every weekend for the next month until Oct 19, as part of the zoo’s month-long programme to educate visitors on rhino conservation.

The programme will begin on Saturday, Sept 20, with a public seminar on the rhino horn trade at the zoo. There will also be a photo exhibition on the critically endangered Sumatran rhino and educational exhibitions about rhinos during the month.
Bratislava Zoo will take part a global, ceremonial rhino horn burning in recognition of World Rhino Day.

On Sunday, September 21, Slovakian Minister of the Environment, Peter Žiga will set fire to 8 horns that were seized in a joint operation with Czech Republic. The event is slated to begin at 11:00 AM.
South Africa’s Department of Environmental Affairs, SANPARKS and stakeholders will host World Rhino Day events in Bushbuckridge, Mpumalanga on 22 September 2014. An estimated 200 people will participate in a march led by DEA, SANParks, the Mpumalanga provincial government, the Bushbuckridge municipality and local community leaders to the Tulamahashe police station.

A Memorandum will be handed over to the Mpumalanga Police Commissioner, Brig TC Ntuli, to thank the SAPS for the work they are doing to combat rhino poaching, to pledge support from DEA, SANParks and the local community to the police in the execution of their duties, and to call for more action to be taken to address the scourge of rhino poaching.
A programme schedule and list of contacts can be found here.
Race the Rhino is in aid of our endangered rhinos and Renosterveld region #MTB #WorldRhinoDay http://t.co/EQzpHdCRBz http://t.co/xKodcu2MeL
— Ride the Rhino (@RideRhino) August 18, 2014
Castle Lager Boucher Legacy
On World Rhino Day, the Castle Lager Boucher Legacy wants everyone to come together to place every rhino in safe hands!
#ShareTheRhinopiness #ShareTheLove
GoRhino will participate at the World Youth Rhino Summit from the 21st-23rd of September and hold the Share the Love challenge.
The Rhino Orphanage based in Limpopo will join forces with Race the Rhino. First Car Rental’s ‘Post Your Selfie & Win’ charity campaign will aid The Rhino Orphanage based in Limpopo.

Race organizers will be driving two of The Rhino Orphanage campaign’s Nissan Jukes, which will be vehicle-wrapped to look like a mom rhino with a baby rhino. At the race, competitors and their supporters can get involved in raising awareness of The Rhino Orphanage by taking selfies with the Nissan Jukes and posting to their social media networks, making sure to tag with #Rhinos1st, to enter the competition and lucky draw associated with the campaign.
WWF South Africa is supporting the launch of a public campaign in Vietnam that seeks to change attitudes to rhino horn consumption in Asia – bursting the bubble of demand in that region.
At the same time, WWF South Africa is tackling rhino conservation on four other fronts: breaking criminal networks, bridging stronger cooperation across borders, benefiting communities so they take the lead in rhino conservation and boosting rhino numbers.
Game Lodges across South Africa are engaging in The Rhino Dung Challenge to raise awareness for rhinos!
#SouthAfrica #RhinoSummit2014
South Africa will host the Rhino Youth Summit on Saturday, September 21 through Tuesday, September 23.
Over 140 young delegates from around the globe will converge to discuss conservation issues. The major goal will be to send a world-wide call to action by the youth to save the rhino from extinction.
We are hopeful that the delegation will garner worldwide respect and attention!
Excelsior Wine Estates supports World Rhino Day 2014!
The winery plans to donate R2.00 per bottle of Rhino Sauvignon Blanc purchased to Traffic, the Wildlife Trade Monitoring Network.
Bottoms up folks!
Heart of Africa in Capetown celebrates World Rhino Day with a chance to will a Sterling Silver rhino necklace.

Project Rhino KZN Campaign necklaces can be purchased for R250 each, visit www.heartafrica.co.za/campaigns for more details (R150 will be donated to Project Rhino KZN)
Very pretty!
Shamwari Game Reserve to celebrate World Rhino Day on September 22.
Shamwari Game Reserve will donate R500 to the Wilderness Foundation for every booking we receive on the day, between 08h00 and 17h00.
Guests booking this must travel by 14th December 2014. Terms & conditions apply. Contact the reservations department to find out more via http://www.shamwarigroup.com/content.asp?pageID=1682
Jock Safari Lodge to celebrate World Rhino Day on September 22.
Jock Safari Lodge will donate R500 to the Wilderness Foundation for every booking we receive on the day, between 08h00 and 17h00. Guests booking this must travel by 14th December 2014. Terms & conditions apply. Contact the reservations department to find out more via http://www.jocksafarilodge.com/propertyenquiries.asp?ProjectID=5
Sanbona Wildlife Reserve to celebrate World Rhino Day on September 22.
Sanbona Wildlife Reserve will donate R500 to the Wilderness Foundation for every booking we receive on the day, between 08h00 and 17h00.
Guests booking this must travel by 14th December 2014. Terms & conditions apply. Contact the reservations department to find out more via http://www.sanbona.com/propertyenquiries.asp?ProjectID=3
Rocking For Rhinos to be held the weekend of 26th-28th September.
Once again Rocking for Rhinos is being held at Franklyn Park, a stunning recreational park at the base of the Northern Drakensberg. There will be a great lineup and all profits will be donated to various initiatives focused on saving Rhinos.
Sure sounds fun!
World Rhino Day events in Sweden will be hosted by The Perfect World Foundation. Perfect World has dedicated the year of 2014 to the cause of raising awareness dangers of rhino trade and poaching. Rhino ambassadors have contributed rhino sculptures and placed them in prominent locations in Stockholm and Gothenburg.

A international conference dedicated toward raising awareness for the rhino is planned during the month of September. On September 18th there will be a conservation gala dinner attended by Swedish celebrities and royal family members. The celebration will continue with a DJ event on the weekend of the 19th and 20th to raise additional funds for rhinos.
Details about the conservation gala dinner can be found here.
Kingsley Heath, the renowned South African luxury clothing brand, is initiating an exciting campaign to raise funds for the worldwide conservation of rhinos.
To raise awareness for rhino conservation, Kingsley Heath is running a Facebook competition titled ‘Save the Rhino’ in the UAE. Users can upload their own, personalized rhino designs, where the public will be given the opportunity to vote for their favourite one. The rhino design receiving the highest number of votes will be sent to the Kingsley Heath creative designers in South Africa, where it will be printed on to a limited edition Kingsley Heath T-shirt.
“Furthermore, one can shop at Kingsley Heath to support the important cause. In collaboration with the Wildlands Conservation Trust (South Africa), Kingsley Heath is contributing a percentage of its proceeds generated on 22nd September 2014 towards the initiative. The money raised will be allocated to the Project Rhino Tracker, which aims to provide us with updated information of rhino-related statistics,” stated Bhumika Nasta, Brand Representative of Kingsley Heath UAE.
To celebrate this year’s World Rhino Day (WRD) Save the Rhino International is launching the ‘Nail it for Rhinos’ campaign to raise awareness of the threats facing the world’s five rhino species! Make a stand for rhinos by painting your nails to raise awareness for the rhinos and show the world that rhino horn is made the same substance as nails!

Get involved in 5 simple steps:
- Paint your nails for rhinos – get creative!
- Upload your nail selfie to social media – Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest and include the hashtag #nailit4rhinos, or send it to info[at]savetherhino[dot]org
- If you’re in the UK donate £3 to help save rhinos by texting NAIL14 £3 to 70070. Or donate online from the rest of the world
- Share your photo with friends or nominate 5 people to do the same
- Visit www.savetherhino.org to learn more and see if your nail selfie has been featured on our website as one of the best
Making plans for #WorldRhinoDay on Monday 22 September: we'll be at London Bridge railway station with banners & buckets. #nailit4rhinos
— Save the Rhino (@savetherhino) September 10, 2014
The annual UK Rhino Charge is an off road fund-raising event that is organized to raise funds for Rhino Ark’s conservation work in Kenya.
This year’s race will take place on Sunday, September 21 in conjunction with the celebration of World Rhino Day. The event has been held every year since 1997. The race will be held at the brand new venue of the Slindon Safari 4×4 Driving Centre, near Arundel, West Sussex.
All details concerning the race can be found on Rhino Charge UK.
Marwell Wildlife will Celebrate World Rhino Day on Sunday, September 21.

Visitors are encouraged to attend the Rhinos: Fact or Fiction talk at 1pm. Guests that attend the talk will receive a FREE raffle ticket and a chance to win a special rhino encounter after the lecture is finished.
Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm will celebrate World Rhino 2014 on Saturday, September 20.
- Pin the horn on the rhino
- Track the poachers
- Rhino themed arts and crafts activities
Those sound like some great games!! We can hardly wait to hear about the caught poachers.
The Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden‘s will be celebrating World Rhino Day by giving visitors a chance to learn about endangered rhinos.
- Family activities
- Crafts
- Discovery stations
- Rhino animal encounters
- Special animal demonstrations
“We designed this day around learning about our world’s rhinos and the problems they face, as well as an opportunity for visitors to get involved. While we spotlight all 5 species, we give extra interest in our Sumatran Rhino, Harapan, as being the last of his kind in North America and our conservation efforts,”says Connor Miko of Cincinnati Zoo.

Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden will also hold a World Rhino Day: State of the Rhino Lecture & Keeper Panel led by the Zoo’s Dr. Terri Roth (Vice President of Conservation & Research, Director of Lindner Center for Conservation & Research of Endangered Wildlife).
Find some dirt, add water and have fun — rhino style! Submit your muddiest pics or videos on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram with #MuddyForRhinos, and we’ll choose our favorite. The winner will get to meet a Cincinnati Zoo Rhino Behind the Scenes! Contest starts Sept. 8 and ends Sept. 19. Winner will be announced at the World Rhino Day Celebration on Sept. 21.
Poster Contest for Students
Flex your creative muscles while helping the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden promote rhino conservation. This contest is open to public, private or home school students. Prizes will be awarded to one student in each of these four grade groups: K-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12.
Contest rules can be found here.
Out of Africa Wildlife Park in Sedona, Arizona, will celebrate World Rhino Day on September 21.
Plans for 9/21/14? Celebrate Jericho's b-day and #WorldRhinoDay pic.twitter.com/MP2Epri5r0
— Out of Africa Park (@OutofAfricaPark) September 11, 2014
Activities at Out of Africa will include the following:
- Birthday cake
- Presents
- Coloring Contest
Come celebrate World Rhino Day with Jericho on his Birthday!
The Central Florida Zoo & Botanical Gardens will be celebrating World Rhino Day on Sunday, Sept 21.
In addition to seeing their two Indian rhinos, Jahi and PJ, visitors will be able to enjoy the following activities:
- A Conservation and information table with information about all five rhino species
- Rhino-themed crafts
- Coloring sheets
- Paper plate rhino face for the kids
- Rhino ornaments for painting
- An enrichment table where guests can decorate bags and then watch as the keepers fill them with goodies and give them to the rhinos.
Donations will raise money for the International Rhino Foundation.
Celebrate World Rhino Day with the Henry Vilas Zoo at Captial Brewery in Middleton on Sunday, September 21 from 2:00PM to 5:00PM!
Learn about rhinos from the zoo’s rhino keeper and check out some fun rhino crafts and auction items! Enjoy a fun time at Capital Brewery. Papa Murphy’s pizza will be the official food vendor. The Krause Family Band will be performing and Sweet Hartley’s will be selling cupcakes.
Silent Auction – Items include:
- Behind the scenes Rhino encounter
- Signed limited edition Robert Bateman Rhino print
- Kruger National Park Save our Rhinos gift pack
Rhino art & craft sale – Made by the rhino, George & HVZ rhino keepers & interns. Items include:
- Rhino skin print art
- Preserved Rhino dung
- Rhino quilt handbags
- Handmade plush rhino toys
Proceeds will benefit the International Rhino Foundation and the International Rhino Keepers Association.
Potter Park Zoo will celebrate World Rhino Day on Sunday, September 21.
The Following Activities are scheduled:
- Special Zookeeper tours
- Behind the scenes look at the Black Rhino exhibit
- Rhino informational tables
- Special activities for kids from 10:30 to 3:00
There will be two guided tours and space is limited. Info and Registration information are here: WORLD RHINO DAY TOURS
Saint Louis Zoo will celebrate World Rhino Day on Saturday, September 20.

Visitors will enjoy the following activities from 10:00AM to 3:00PM:
- Make a wish for rhinos and post it for all to see!
- Rhino biofacts to see and touch.
- Kids can learn what it takes to be a “rhino scout” in Africa.
- Activity booklet, souvenir keychain and bookmark (while supplies last).
- Talk to rhino keepers.
- See paintings made by the Zoo’s rhinos.
Please be sure to stop by the rhino habitat at River’s Edge and join in all the fun!
Cameron Zoo will celebrate World Rhino Day on Saturday, September 20.
Planned festivities from 10:00AM to 2:00PM include the following:
- Keeper talks
- Special activities for kids
- Behind the scenes raffle to meet our resident rhinos
This will be a great day to learn about the different species of rhinos and conservation efforts to protect them in the wild.
Houston Zoo will celebrate World Rhino Day on September 20 through September 22.
Special events are planned on Sunday, September 21 from 10:00 AM to 3:00PM at the African Forest. Visitors will enjoy the follow activities:
- Special education on the five species of rhinos
- Make homemade rhino masks
- Visit with the zoo’s rhino mascot
- There will also be items for sale such as magnets, bracelets, and necklaces.
All proceeds from the sale will benefit the Lowveld Rhino Trust, which is helping to educate schoolchildren in Zimbabwe about rhinos and other animals.
In addition the Houston Zoo has a call to action this weekend: Be a Rhino Hero: Donate a Wildlife Book!
Directly contribute to saving rhinos in the wild by bringing in a new or gently used book about wildlife to donate to our friends in the field who are protecting rhinos in Africa. These books will be used to educate local communities in Zimbabwe about their amazing wildlife. Each person that donates a book will receive a rhino conservation bracelet AND a Houston Zoo Conservation Hero pin!
Houston Zoo is a leading organization in wildlife conservation. This will be a great World Rhino Day Celebration!
Go to Houston Zoo Events page.
Fossil Rim will celebrate World Rhino Day 2014 on Saturday, September 20.

There will be a variety of fun crafts and educational activities for the entire family! There will also be an opportunity to win admission for four people to Fossil Rim.
The Fossil Rim Wildlife center sports one the finest safari experiences in the United States and are sure to have a great World Rhino Day 2014 celebration!
Lion Country Safari will celebrate World Rhino Day on Monday, September 22.
Visitors are encouraged to enjoy activities such as watching the rhinos receive special treats throughout the day, rhino crafts at the education table from noon to 2:00PM, and a chance browse rhino themed gits at the Lion Safari Country Gift Shop.
Located near Palm Beach, Lion Country Safari will provide a fun, educational World Rhino Day for the entire family!
San Francisco Zoo & Gardens will celebrate World Rhino Day on Sunday, September 21 & Monday, September 22.
Take Charge for Rhinos will occur 11:00 am – 3:00 pm, near the Lion Fountain. Guests will enjoy the following:
- Keeper talks
- Docents and volunteers on hand with a rhino-themed bio-fact car
- Craft tables
- Live music
- Rhino face-painting
- Rhino-themed snacks and other fun treats
- Opportunities to support rhino conservation by purchasing an Adopt-a-Rhino package
- Extra enrichment to celebrate the day for Gauhati, Elly and Boone
Finally guests will be able to enjoy at 1:00 pm on September 21, the free Wild Places, Wild Things conservation lecture will have a special focus on Fighting the Illicit Animal Trade.
San Francisco Zoo and Garden is the only Association of Zoos and Aquariums member in Northern California that to house both of these rhino species! The weather is Beautiful this time of year in San Francisco! This will quite a celebration!!
Little Rock Zoo will celebrate World Rhino Day on Saturday, September 20.
The formal celebration will start at 9:00AM and go to 3:00PM. Boots Hansel will be the zoo’s information booth for a reading and signing of Johari’s Joy”, a story she wrote about the zoo’s black rhino, Johari.
Little Rock Zoo is home to both the black and white rhino species and it will a great place to celebrate World Rhino Day 2014.
Kansas City Zoo will celebrate World Rhino Day on Sunday, September 21.
The zoo invites guests to celebrate World Rhino Day 2014 at their Eastern Black Rhino exhibit. Keeper chats will be held at 10:00AM, Noon and 2:00PM. Chat participants will also be able to watch Rhinos paint. Docents will also be answering questions and showing off biofacts at the exhibit.
The Rhino exhibits located in the Africa exhibits of the zoo.
Lowry Park Zoo will celebrate World Rhino Day 2014 over the weekend on September 20-21.
Elmwood Park Zoo will celebrate World Rhino Day on Sunday, September 21.
Elmwood Park Zoo’s AAZK chapter will host a “Rhino Walk ‘N Ride” event beginning at 3:00 PM. The event will feature both a 5K walk and a bike ride to Manayunk, with all proceeds benefitting rhinocerous conservation.
Enjoy a leisurely 5K walk around the Zoo at 3pm, with raffles and items to purchase. At 6:00 PM, bike riders will depart from EPZ along the Schuykill River Trail to Bourbon Blue on Main Street in Manayunk. There, the celebration will continue and a portion of the night’s checks will go to support rhinos!
All proceeds support Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, International Rhino Foundation, and Action for Cheetahs in Kenya.
Registration details here: http://www.elmwoodparkzoo.org/event/137
Let’s have a great turnout for this special event!
Reid Park Zoo will hold a special membership appreciation event for its members on Sunday, September 21.
The theme of the day will be Africa and visitors will have a chance to celebrate World Rhino Day with Reid Park’s two Southern White Rhinos, Yebonga and Fireball. There will be special guests and activities for kids!
Gulf Breeze Zoo will celebrate World Rhino Day on Saturday, September 20 with a special edition of “ZooTots.”
ZooTots is a special parent and child learning experience. Activities include the following:
- Crafts
- Story time – Remy the Rhino Learns Patience
- Private animal demonstration or hands-on animal encounter
- Train ride
Gather the family and enjoy the day!
Detroit Zoo will celebrate World Rhino Day 2014 on Sunday, September 21.
Enrichment, Keeper talks and biofacts will be given at 11:00AM, Noon, 1:00PM, 2:00PM and 3:00PM as part of the celebration. Detroit Zoo is home to Jasiri and Tamba, a handsome pair of male Southern White Rhinoceroses. Come out and enjoy watching this playful pair celebrate their big day!
Fight For Rhinos provides coloring pages for World Rhino Day 2014
As kids create their art, Fight For Rhinos encourages parents to share history and plight of the rhino. Scan the completed masterpiece and send it to fightforrhinos@gmail.com. Fight for Rhinos will then share it. The pages can be found at http://fightforrhinos.com/
Wild Adventures Theme Park will celebrate World Rhino Day 2014 on Saturday, September 20 and Sunday, September 21.
Graham, the Greater One Horned Rhino, will be the center of attention this weekend. Wild Adventures encourages visitors to come ride the Safari Train and celebrate with Graham. A member of the Zoo Ops team will be at a table near Kids Gone Wild inside the park Saturday, September 20 and Sunday, September 21 with educational information about rhinos and guests can purchase raffle tickets to win a painting by Graham!

The competition is only open to those resident in Vietnam, but if you want to show your support by taking your own selfie, make sure you tag ENV in your photo and include the hashtag #selfievitegiac in the caption, which should also include your message for rhino protection!
Tourism campaign launches on World Rhino Day using Zambian Rhino, Inongwe.
Acacia Africa will launch a campaign in which people will talk about their own safari experiences, positive news in parks and reserves with regard to anti-poaching and also highlight the negatives – the stats and the facts.
Good Luck Inongwe!
Sam Nkomo is conducting the 500km Walk for Rhino Awareness.
His journey will take him through much of western Zimbabwe and it will span a little over a month. The 500 km Rhino Awareness Walk, which in turn has become the Rhino, Elephant and Environment Trust, which will be administered by Ernst & Young, Bulawayo.
On Saturday, September 20, 500 km Rhino Awareness Walk will celebrate World Rhino Day in family style. They will hold Street Collections, a High School Public Speaking Competition, Street Marches, and ‘Safari ‘ High teas and a Formal Dinner.
Best of luck Sam and good health on your journey.
Hartmann House Preparatory School, Harare, Zimbabwe will celebrate World Rhino Day 2014 in the classroom.
Hartmann House will join the rest of the world through wearing red on World Rhino Day and ask teachers and pupils to donate generously towards this worth cause. Hartmann House boys will also be launching exciting campaigns through PowerPoint presentations and posters in the lead up to World Rhino Day with the aim of sharing our message as far and wide as possible.